March 20th (Sat.) - 28th (Sun.) 2021
Poupée doll Exhibition~ The coming of Spring ~
March 9th (Tue.) - 15th (Mon.) 2021
Calligraphy Exhibition - The world of Sanstkrit Characters-
February 9th (Tue.) - 15th (Mon.) 2021
RAKUCHU Kansei Art Exhibition Kyoto 2021- Sense x Tradition x Future -
January 23rd (Sat.) - 30th (Sun.) 2021
Naoko OZAKI - YUZEN style dyeing Exhibition"The first thing in spring"-In the time of The Tale of Genji-
December 30th (Web.)2020 -January 14th (Thu.) 2021
Incense for celebrating the New Year
October 30th (Sat.) - November 12th (Thu.) 2020November 26th (Thu.) - December 27th (Sun.) 2020
For your first time Japanese Incense -"Koh"